20/20 Perspective

For we walk by faith,not by sight.  II Corinthians 5:7

“If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more.  If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.”  - Oprah Winfrey.

Perspective is relative to how you have been taught to see life.  Perspective is a learned behavior.  Faith is grounded in your perspective about life.  A person can either see their life through the eyes of God’s word, or the eyes of their current circumstances.  Oprah Winfrey speaks to this as she spoke in regards to her path to success.  She never saw herself as less than. There were probably moments in her life in which she could have resolved in her mind that she does not have it within her to become who she has become today, but her perspective pushed her to see that she had more within her.

How do you see life?  How do you see your family, children, or your marriage?  How do you see your future, destiny, purpose in life, or how you have progressed so far in life?  The answers to these questions depend on your perspective. There is a lesson in a miracle that Jesus performed in the gospel of Mark the eighth chapter.  There was a blind man that was brought to Jesus, and the people begged Jesus to heal the man.  Jesus took the man by the hand and led him out of the village.  Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes, and asked the man, “Do you see anything?”  The man told Jesus he saw people, but they looked like trees walking around.  Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes, and the man’s sight was restored and the man saw everything clearly.  The thing we need to take from the miracle Jesus performed was that the man could see after the first touch.  His issue after the first touch was that his perspective made him see men that look like trees.  Which demanded Jesus to touch him again.  With perspective being a learned behavior, we can only imagine how the blind man had been taught how men actually looked. This probably spoke to why Jesus led the man outside of the village to perform the miracle.  

To have a changed perspective about your life, you sometimes have to take yourself out of familiarity into an uncommon place to challenge your perspective about life.  The thing about a changed perspective, it must be dealt with on a moment by moment, day by day, and week by week basis.  A changed perspective takes work and it takes challenging your thought process about your past, your now, and your future.  When you see your life through the eyes of God, it forces you to not see the bad but the good in life.  Once you see the good, you can see how all things will work together for the good in your life.  This allows you to have 20/20 perspective.  You are able to see clearly with perfect sight how your future will turn out.  Then you are able to walk by faith and not by sight.

---- This Week’s Reflection ----

Father, I am grateful that you did not allows life to consume me to destroy me.  Now help me to change my perspective about the cards that life has dealt me.  Help me to see myself as you see me.  I know you see me as fearfully and wonderfully made. Now touch me again, that I might be able to see clearly your purpose and destiny for my life.  Today I decree from this day forth I see myself as you see me by faith.

Johnnye Johnson