Give us this day our daily bread.

The other day, I was preparing my notes to preach the word of God.  I noticed much of my rhetoric dealt with destiny and the future.  Then it hit me.  We get so focused on tomorrow that we forget that we are having a blessed day.  Nothing is different, and nothing in my life has significantly changed.  I just realized that today, I was able to do my normal processing of the day's task without any major difficulties.  No the day wasn't perfect and the normal stress was there, but just knowing someone loves me made the day worth living.  

Take the time to recognize what you have in that moment.  No things may not be perfect, but take a moment to think about what you do have.  Focus on the day, and take each moment by moment.  You cannot change yesterday, and you have no power over tomorrow.  Yet you do have the power to change the moment you are in today.  

Johnnye Johnson