Choice Management

I recently decided to purchase a new iPhone. The choice was not my own. I cracked the screen on my previous iPhone, and the sensor for the screen was giving me great trouble. Each time I touched the screen either it was slow in reaction, did not react, or reacted for another app in which I did not even attempt to touch. It became so frustrating that I decided to upgrade the phone.

Often times we decide on a choice in life without ever realizing that the choice is a direct correlation to a previous action or decision we made. We make the decision based on the now moment. Never even considering the cause of the choice or the repercussions that may come from the choice. The scripture teaches in the book of Proverbs, there is a way that seemeth right unto men, but the end thereof is the ways of death. (Proverbs 16:25) We should never make choices in life blind and reckless. We should consider the consequences as well as the source of the choice. Otherwise our decision could leave us frustrated later in life. The results could be the exact results as my iPhone patch. A failed attempt to make a now moment better. Until things completely stop working all together, and we realize that we need a complete replacement because the patching is not working.

The good news is that with Christ, we can start all over again. That does not mean we will not have to face the consequences of our decisions. It means that with Christ, we can face those consequences with his power and strength. Even when those consequences were from bad choices, Christ can work those decisions to work in our favor for our good. (Romans 8:28).

Manage your choices well. You will see them again in your tomorrow. If you are not saved make the choice to give your life to Christ. The consequences of that decision will always work for your favor.