Momentum Swing

I recently watched a basketball game in which the University of Duke was down by twenty-five points in the second half of the ball game with only five minutes left in the game. They never led the entire ball game, and it looked as if the opposing team was about to secure a win against the number one team in NCAA Division I Basketball at that time. The interesting fact about the game was the University of Duke won the basketball game.

There was a swing in momentum that happen within those final five minutes left in the game. The head coach of the Duke basketball team called for the defense to pressure the ball in a full court press. He noticed as the game was drawing to an end, the opposing team had only one good ball handler. Duke isolated him and denied him the basketball. Within a time span of two minutes the opposing team turned the ball over fourteen times. Yes that is right, fourteen times! Duke scored on each turnover possession. It is amazing how one move can cause a swing of momentum. A win can happen under such insurmountable odds. Even I started to change the channel to find something different to watch on television, because I had surmised in my mind this was a lost for the Duke team.

Three things had to happen in that instance. First faith had to be within the players and the coach. When faith is present, it will make you believe that the impossible can become possible. Secondly the players had to be in agreement with the coach to execute the plan. They could have just started jacking up wild three pointers to attempt to win the game, but they bought into the coaches game plan to steal the ball and keep making lay ups. The best offense is a great defensive plan. Third, there had be a trust built between the players and coaches that everyone would execute. It was not about who made the steal or the lay up. It was about execution to win the game. Each factor caused a momentum swing within a five minute time frame.

Galatians 6:9; β€œAnd let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Weariness can come in a faith fight, but the momentum swing will happen at any moment. Faith is what draws the attack of the enemy to the life of a believer. The enemy knows it is impossible to please God without faith. He attempts to make the believer weary in faith.

When your faith comes into agreement with God, and you trust that God has given you the right game plan to execute. Keep chipping away at the lead. Shoot one basket at a time. Each two points you gain brings you closer to victory. The best offense is a good defensive plan. Your faith is your defense against the enemy. Ephesians 6:16, calls your faith a shield that extinguishes flaming arrows from the wicked one.

Keep executing, rather you recognize it or not the momentum of God has swung in your favor because of your faith. Even if others have decided that you are lost case, and decide to change the channel on you, never give up on God and yourself. It is only a matter of time before due season shows up at your address.

Johnnye Johnson