Stay Out of Growing Folks Business

In the era in which I grew up as a child. My mother did not allow me as a child to entertain or participate in adult conversations that dealt with adult issues. There were even instances I had overheard some gossip from ease dropping into other adult conversations, so I made attempts to venture into adult topics with my mother. My attempts each time fell upon deaf ears with my mother with the never ending response, “Son, stay out of grown folks business.”

My mother in her wisdom knew that as a child I did not have the mental capacity to interpret adult issues in the correct context. She knew as a child I should focus on my on growth, and leave other people business alone. Growth requires us to stay out of others business and focus on our own business. Focusing on growth drives a person to center their attention on progressing life that is healthy and productive.

Jesus declared in the A part of John 10:10; “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” The thief is not only the enemy we call Satan, but the thief is also anything that comes to steal, kill, and to destroy your life. Bad spending habits, bad attitudes, gossiping, lying, envy, strife, bitterness, laziness, sin, and iniquity all are thieves. Not only that, never dealing with pass hurts from divorces, molestations, abuse, addictions, etc., can all steal, kill, and destroy life. All of these things have the capability of trapping a person in that moment. Never growing beyond those moments does not allow for the experiencing of all that life has to offer. Those moments come out in relationships, conversations, and actions. 10, 20, 30, and 40 years pass without a person living out a purposeful life or the will of God for their life. It is a shame that other people will never really experience the blessing of a person because they are trapped in a habit or a moment.

Growing people want to experience their life to the fullness. Not to just be blessed but to become the blessing of the Lord to other people that they encounter. True growth in God relies on believers to radically deal with the issues in our life, and have a realistic expectation of growing beyond those moments. Growing people use those moments as fertilizer to help with their growing process. Those are not the moments that feed their life, but the moments that enhance the quality of their growth.

Growing people are willing to put in the work to outgrow those moments and habits in their life. Sometimes that means outgrowing people that stunt growth in life. Growing people become fine with telling people that they have grown beyond participating in certain activities. Growing people recognize that keeping certain things and people out allows for the maintaining the level of growth that is productive in their life. When a person experiences true freedom of growth, they never want to go back to bondage. The good news is that Jesus declared there is a way to grow beyond all the thing things that have trapped you in habits and moments in your life. That way is through Him (John 14:6). Growing through a relationship Jesus has the capability of making a person free of everything that has placed any type of bondage over their life. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32

Make the declaration today to anything that is stunting you having a healthy and productive life, “Stay out of Growing Folks Business..”

Johnnye Johnson